2024-25 Post 307 Executive Committee. Left to right (back row): Tom Parris (Adjutant), Kevin Opela (Director-2 year), Joe Smith (Service Officer), Carl Scarabelli (Judge Advocate), David White (Finance Officer), Terry Dodd (Public Affairs Officer), Jay Cohen (Sgt at Arms). Left to right (front row): Jason Hawkins (Vice Commander), David Mullis (Commander). Not shown: Allen Gruber (Senior Vice Commander), Roger Hendler (Director-1 year), Harvey Menden (Past Commander), David Hopkins (Historian).

July 4, 2024 Independence Day Parade in Cumming. Cub Scout Pack 8307 joins AL Post 307 to celebrate!

“Howie the Howitzer” and Crew, July 4th Parade.

July 4 Parad Honor Guard, courtesy of FoCo Fire and Sheriff’s Departments.